If you are interested in becoming a Substitute Special Education Bus Attendant you must do the following:
1. All Substitutes must complete the Substitute Application packet. To submit the application click HERE All applications must be submitted online now.
2. You must email [email protected] or call 225-686-4369
to schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted and submit required documentation and pay initial processing fee. As a part of the scheduled appointment, all applicants will be fingerprinted ($55 Processing fee). This will take a minimum of thirty (30) minutes. Only completed applications will be processed.
3. Complete a training course given by LPPS Transportation Department. The training course will be offered 2 times a year and the date will be published on this page. You will need to register for the course by submitting your application for substitute bus attendant before attending.
Once you have completed all of the above mentioned requirements you will be approved and added to the approved substitute attendant list provided to our full time bus attendants. Full time routes are filled from our approved substitute bus attendant list as positions become available.
The substitute SPED bus attendant training course is a class given by LPPS Transportation Department to interested persons wanting to become a substitute bus attendant with Livingston Parish Public Schools. The course is mandatory and is held multiple times a year. The next class date is to be determined. You must have completed and submitted your substitute packet form and have been fingerprinted prior to attending the class. If you have any questions please contact the Transportation Department at [email protected] or (225)686-4261